Policies and Procedures
Camper Guidelines:
Our goal is to create lasting memories of an amazing adventure full of fun, friendship, and education. We are committed to creating an environment that is conducive to such an experience for our campers while ensuring their safety and security. In order to achieve this we have created a standard of behavior that must be maintained by all campers. Below is a list of the standards along with our policies and procedures.
Standards of behavior:
- Physical aggression or inappropriate touching is not allowed
- No teasing or bullying
- Dangerous behavior is not allowed
- Sharing food is not allowed (possible allergy precaution)
- Vulgar behavior, language, or materials will not be tolerated
- Instructions from staff must be followed
- Any items considered dangerous must be left at home (i.e. sharp objects, lighters, etc.)
- Illegal substances are not allowed
Discipline procedures:
- The first minor infraction will be discussed with the Associate Director or Director and the camper(s).
- The second minor infraction or first serious infraction will be discussed with a Director, the camper(s), and the camper’s parents.
- The third infraction and/or serious or endangering infraction will be discussed with the parents and are grounds for dismissal from the remainder of camp without refund.
Bus and passenger van procedures:
- Campers are only allowed in the vehicle when a staff member is present.
- Bus drivers are not employees of Camp On Wheels. They are not allowed to discipline campers or smoke within view of the campers or parents. They are not allowed to bring passengers.
- Campers get to decide where they sit in the vehicle each day when they arrive, but they must sit there the entire day for roll call purposes.
- A Director will call roll using the campers first and last names after each stop along with a visual identity check. A second director will do an additional count. The counselors will perform a roll call and visual identity check for their assigned group as a third measure of safety.
Injury procedures:
- A First Aid and CPR certified staff member will be with the camp at all times. All injuries, no matter how minor, will be reported to a director and assessed.
- A First Aid kit is kept by the camp Director at all times and it or the First Aid station at the site being visited will be used if needed.
- Campers that experience non-life threatening injuries or illnesses that warrant further medical attention will be transported by the camp bus/passenger van or in a staff member’s personal vehicle to the nearest medical facility. A staff member will remain with the camper until a parent arrives or returns to join the camp for the remainder of the day.
- A parent will be notified as soon as possible of any injury or illness that occurs.
Lost camper procedures:
- A “Home base” at every location is established when the camp arrives and a staff member is always there with the camp phone. Campers wear wrist bands with the camp phone’s number and are instructed to call or find a site employee to tell them they are lost.
Lost item and theft policies:
- Camp On Wheels is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
- Campers that report a missing item are helped by a staff member to recover the item while at that location. If it is not found, the locations staff will be notified, but we cannot delay camp schedule to recover any missing item.
- Theft by a camper is grounds for immediate dismissal from camp.
Bathroom procedures:
- Campers are always escorted by a staff member.
- Campers must always have a partner when entering a bathroom.
- When on a bus equipped with a bathroom, campers and staff are encouraged to use it for emergencies only. Campers are not allowed to change clothes on bus bathrooms and must enter alone.
Campers with disabilities:
- Camp On Wheels is not staffed or equipped to handle children with disabilities.
- Campers that do not need additional equipment must attend with someone who can assist them with their disability.
Natural disaster procedures:
- In the event of a natural disaster, Camp On Wheels will follow all the procedures of the location being visited. Parents will be notified of their child’s location as soon as possible.
- If a natural disaster occurs during transit, Camp On Wheels will call 911 and move to the nearest safe location until help arrives.
Routine medication procedures:
- Parents are encouraged to administer medication before and after camp.
- If lunch time medication is required, enough medication for the week must be supplied when the camper arrives.
- All prescription and non-prescription medication must be in its original packaging that describes the dosage and the frequency of administration.
- Prescribed medicine must have the camper’s name and the prescribing physician on the packaging.
Electronic devices and media policies:
- Campers are allowed to bring electronic devices and media, but Camp On Wheels is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
- All media must be age appropriate and non-offensive to campers or staff. Any materials found to be unsuitable will be taken up and returned to the parents.
- Campers are not allowed to use electronic devices when it interferes with camp activities or a location’s attractions. Campers are encouraged to leave their devices in the camp vehicle during stops.
- Movies with a rating of G and PG may be shown to campers. Parents that do not authorize their child to view such material must notify Camp On Wheels in writing prior to camp.
Snacks and snack stop procedures:
- Camp On Wheels provides 1 snack per day when a snack stop is not scheduled. On snack stop days, campers can purchase items at the snack location or bring their own.
- We do not recommend energy drinks or food.
- Campers will always be escorted by a staff member. Campers that remain in the vehicle during a snack stop will be monitored by a staff member as well.
- We do not use drive through windows. Camp vehicles are stopped as close to the building as possible to minimize the amount of time crossing a parking lot.
Water park procedures:
- All campers swimming ability is assessed at the first water park scheduled for the week.
- Any camper that is not taller than the water is required to wear a life jacket regardless of swimming ability.
- Once we enter a park, “home base” is established. A staff member is always at home base to monitor the camp phone, camp and camper’s belongings, and for campers that get lost to report back to. Park staff is always notified of this location.
- Campers are divided into groups based on their swimming ability and interest in rides.
- Campers are always supervised by a staff member while exploring the park.
- Each group must check in with home base every hour for roll call. During this time campers are assessed for sun burn.
- Campers are required to wear sunscreen. Sunscreen must be applied when we arrive to the park and at lunch. Camp On Wheels does not provide sunscreen.
Procedures while on location:
- Once we enter a location, “home base” is established. A staff member is always at home base to monitor the camp phone, camp and camper’s belongings, and for campers that get lost to report back to. The site’s staff is always notified of this location.
- Campers are divided into groups based on age and/or interest.
- Campers are always monitored by a staff member.
- Routine check ins at home base are scheduled for roll call.